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GitHub package.json versionTypeScriptNPM

Property Path

What is a Property Path?

A property path is a dot-notation string leading to a specific property within an object.
The Eagle Eye context recognizes any property path abiding by the Lodash property path specifications. Such property paths may also contain negative integers.
Negative integer (-N) in a property path indicates an array index derived at runtime by counting abs(-N) steps backward from array length.

Ex. Given the following object:

1 { a: { c: { e: 5, f: [ 0, 2, 4 ] } } }
The property path a.c.e accesses the e=5 property.
Either of the property paths a.c.f.1, a.c.f.-2, a.c.f[1] and a.c.f[-2] is a valid property path to access the [1]=2 property.
A special property path @@STATE may be used to access the full given object.

What is the @@STATE keyword?

@@STATE is a special property path to access the full state object as a single slice.
When this property path exists in a selector map, any change in the state object results in an update of its and a subsequent render of its client(s).